News: Interpol, Babyshambles, Pharoahe Monch, Beasties, Kraftwerk

Babyshambles’ follow up to their 2005 debut ‘Down in Albion’ looks to be on more of a collaborative tip than the previous effort. Currently in negotiations with Happy Mondays frontman Shaun Ryder and good pal Amy Winehouse bassist Drew McConnell explained: “(Amy’s) a friend of ours. The Shaun Ryder one is in negotiation at the moment. Our people are talking to their people hopefully… we’ll see what happens.”

There must be something in the water this week as the Beastie Boys have also unveiled details of their forthcoming album. Fans disappointed with their last LP’s stripped down old skool hip hop stylings will be happy to hear that they’re heading back in more of a rock direction this time round, harking back to the style of Check Your Head. Speaking to NME Mike D explained: "We play instruments on the whole album, as opposed to sampling. There's more rock on there. If you know us you can trace the influences and they're not completely surprising… It might make you flip your wig right off, or your hairpiece, if you're a casual listener.”
Kraftwerk are offering a free download of their classic track ‘Radioactivity’ in support of the Stop-Rokkasho organisation. The anti-nuclear campaigners are spreading awareness of the dangers imposed by nuclear reprocessing, specifically Japan’s Rokkasho-mura reprocessing plant. The track can be streamed and downloaded from Stop-Rokkasho’s website and is also available via the Stop-Rokkasho Podcast on iTunes.